Saturday, October 20, 2018

Important updates, last ones I will post, new email.

Important updates.

Outside of the Temple Templo del Machete que gana todas las Batallas (temple blog) and an extremely select few clients, I will no longer be making physical objects. I have been stolen from, I have had priests (who foolish considered themselves competition) order from me, or have their godchildren order from me, only to claim they never got their orders, and run all sorts of PayPal scams. This got extremely bad and created some real problems professionally. Absolutely pathetic. I know who some of individuals are now. There is one in the Southwestern United States with hospital worthy injuries and his prenda dumped out.I have no problems getting physical. I send my nfumbe to eat you until I get to your door. That is my promise. I also simply no longer want to arm people like this with truly authentic occult artifacts, and unfortunately that denies other good people access.

My online shop is still open, and while I offer only rituals now, for sure they are powerful. When you at one time where the most popular occult worker on Etsy, with close to 300 five-star reviews, you know you got the goods. But the jealous frauds all reported my shop to Etsy for guideline violations, and guess what you dumb-fucks? Now NONE of you can operate on Etsy either, and for the exact same guideline violations. That is how stupid these people are. If you can't understand basic human socio-political principles, how the fuck are you going to preform magic? But this is what the self-entitled, jealous, physically and intellectually lazy occult left does, and more of the pure cancer eight years of a socialist leaning into communism pig named Barrack Obama *cough* Barry Soetoro *cough* engendered into our culture.

I have been crowned into Vodou, a longtime goal for me and my first godfather, who was a Houngan Asowge of Haitian Vodou (RIP). I was brought in through the Dominican/Puerto-Rican side. I have one more initiation I must follow through with, but it is purely for personal reasons. My temple has finally fully manifested. Vodou, Palo Mayombe, and Solomonic Magic all under the same roof. The temple is nearing the point where it will be physically built. Once that happens we can really begin, and that is on top of all we have already done.

Because of my political leanings, the work I have done and actions that I support, I can never again use my old email address. If you think I still owe you something, or want to beg for forgiveness then send me a message here: Any messages sent to the old email will never be read by me, and will almost certainly put you on the radar of extremely bad people. That is the email I received video and picture evidence of inhuman sexual abuse and cannibalism happening in Europe, as well as the modern human slave trade. I actually fight against that kind of stuff. I am sure you all remember sitting in history class, hearing about the enslavement of hundreds of thousands of Africans, and saying to yourself, "I'd never let that happen if was still going on". Well good morning sunshine, did you sleep good? Because you are waking up in a world where the human slave trade is STILL going on as well as a FUCKING global pedophile network. Ready to keep that promise to yourself about "I'd never let that happen if it was still going on"? Yeah, I now...everyone wants to be a lion until its time to do lion shit. 

This lion has some serious shit to do...

El Patron/Houngan, Papa Machete que ganas todas las batalla

"The Machete leads the way and defends ALL who follow".

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Apologies, transparency, and making a amends. PLEASE read.

There is a video of me reading aloud an email I received from a European country. In this email is detailed a human trafficking network. This network is also engaged in cannibalism and forced blood sports (gladiatorial games only the most wealthy can afford to watch). In a follow up email I was sent clear and graphic pictures and videos confirming the sender's claims. 

I had the video taken of me reading the email aloud just in case it was a trap, or a set up, and make clear that I am not suicidal in anyway. I then informed no less then ten of my most trusted confidants of the situation. I have EVERYTHING stored, copies made and all locked down. Should ANYTHING happen to me, and I am unable to regularly check in with certain people, it ALL goes public. I have already sent everything I have to the proper authorities so there is little point coming after me anymore.

I got warning I was in danger, and it was likely connected to the email I received. The warning came too late. I am fine, but not everyone involved can say the same, assuming they still say anything at all. 

For months I have suspected my email is actively being monitored. This is not the first time. I had friends with high degree skills beef up security protocols, but our fears where realized when someone slipped past what they set up, meaning a very serious player is involved. I asked for help from upper level specialists and due to my loyalty, they have agreed to help. 

Some of you know who "I am". For those of you who know and are familiar with the work I started nine years ago, you know I often have a lot of heat come down on me. I am in contact with government officials, both from the United States and foreign countries. I have been working to dismantle human trafficking and disseminating information about what is now known as "Pizzagate" since 2004.

I am a high level occultist. No...seriously. My Godfather was connected globally to very powerful groups. I have been shown things, been told secrets and been invited into covens, lodges and circles who set policies which effect the entire world (one of my Godfather's acquaintances was the Bokkor (sorcerer) who brokered the pact Bill Clinton made with Petro Loa in Haiti to win his presidency. The pact was made over a notorious well. The well is hidden from view by a structure built around it. The pact was made secretly while a very large Voudu ceremony took place around the structure).  I turned them all down because I know what the endgame is. I will stand on the right side of history and I will stand with humanity, no matter what. 

Why am I stating this publicly?

I realize that I still owe a few people some packages and readings. I know that some people have been trying to get a hold of me. I know I have a temple to run and promises to keep. By Friday 1/19/2018 all the new security protocols for my email will be in place. I need all of you to send me what you need and how to get it to you. Re-send your questions also. 

I have started a patreon page which I am still tweaking. If you where involved with the occult work I was doing please frequently check the patreon as I am merging my temple with my other works. I have been advised it is no longer safe for me to be so fragmented and secretive.  I believe this is true. Thank you to all who have stood by me, and if I have hurt your trust, let me make it up to you. 

-El Patron