If you're having legal problems I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems but a pig ain't one. |
Jesus Malverde is not your typical saint.
You will not find his figurine tucked between the many manifestations of Mary, Saint Francis of Assisi or the archon Saint Michael at your typical religious supply store.
Jesus Malverde has not been approved nor accepted by the Catholic Church.
He has not been canonized, nor sanctioned, and it is unlikely he ever will be.
El Rey de Sinanola, The King of Sinanola. |
Do not get it twisted, sometimes its about who your enemies are which make you make you legit, and who hates you that speaks volumes about your character.
I often find my staunchest allies (magical or otherwise) harbor deep seeded resentment towards so-called authority and hail from "low" places.
I count just about anyone the Catholic Church puts on their hit list as a potential friend.
The Catholic Church has a BIG problem with Jesus Malverde as does Law Enforcement... two intrusive institutions I feel need to undergo an immediate cataclysmic upheaval of biblical proportions.
Jesus Malverde is a saint in the truest sense...he attained authentic sainthood.
THIS guy decides who are saints and who are not??? |
Malverde did not require a decrepit old pedophile in woman's clothing to declare him a saint. He became a saint because of the actions he took while he walked among the living.
Jesus Malverde was made a saint by the collective force of people venerating his life and seeking continued assistance from his spiritual life.
Jesus Malverde is a saint by popular demand.
There are a number of "tales" purported to be the historical rendering of Jesus Malverde's physical life.
Most of those stories are nonsense to satisfy the pseudo-intellectual curiosities of western liberal arts students who research by hearsay but never delve into the actual mystery.
I will share a little of what I was told concerning Jesus Malverde according to who I received his mysteries from.
Jesus Malverde is the El Rey de Sinanola, or The King of Sinanola.
He was likely born Jesus Juarez Mazo, cira 1870s, but when exactly is open to debate. My linage has a standing specific date, but this seems based in Mesoamerican magic rather than something historic.
Jesus was orphaned at the age of thirteen. His parents dying, some say to poverty (I suppose starvation), but in my linage his parents where murdered by a landowner.
In lieu of rent, he desired Jesus's mother, who he kidnapped and raped. His father sought revenge and killed the landowner, rescuing his wife.
Jesus Malverde |
Thugs of the landowner's brother latter killed him and his wife in retaliation.
The young Jesus Mazo took to a life of crime and banditry to survive.
He adopted a Robin Hood stance of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. As such he became very popular with the poor and downtrodden of Sinanola.
Malverde is a moniker and not Jesus's last name, which is usually said to be Mazo.
Malverde translates to bad-green or bad-money, a nickname given to Jesus by the affluent and wealthy he stole from.
In my linage it refers to Jesus's connection to folk magic (brujeria, black magic), to aid in his supernaturally effective robbing the rich to supply the poor... but any more about this I cannot say.
Jesus lived under the despotic rule of Porfirio Daiz.
Fransico Canedo, was both a Daiz supporter and ran the state of Sinanola.
Jesus was one time captured, and my linage says for a crime that he truly did not commit, but was framed for.
Fransico Canedo offered Jesus a pardon if he could steal for him the sword of a rival.
In some stories Canedo's rival is the governor.
Jesus Malverde succeeded, but stole the heart of the rival's (again possibly the governor) daughter in the process.
From a magical view point, Jesus stealing this man's sword was in truth robbing him of his manhood.
Stealing the affections of the rival's daughter added further insult to injury as it suggested Jesus was now the provider of his daughter. The rival is struck impotent and unable to care for his women... by either familial or sexual means.
This was undoubtedly Fransico Candelo's plan all along.
Fransico could pin the caper on Jesus Malverde, and secure his rival's debt to him by returning the stolen sword (restoring his masculinity and honor).
He offered a hefty reward to anyone who would flip on Jesus Malverde expecting Sinanola's poor would jump at the opportunity to rat themselves out of impoverishment. However, Fransico underestimated the love and respect Malverde had garnered.
A wild game of cat and mouse thus ensued with Jesus Malverde always one step ahead, and just outside of the reach of the long arm of the law.
In the stories from my linage it is said Jesus could leap over walls or fences like a deer when chased by the police.
Jesus Malverde could see in the dark, and navigate the desert at night like a coyote; devising traps and snares for his pursuers. My linage pegs him as both a sorcerer, and skin walker.
Lastly Jesus was renown for his formidable fighting skills.
He could knock out or even kill a man with a single punch thrown at speed of a rattlesnake's strike. Malverde was also a fearsome duelist with a sword (the rival's sword of course) and pistol.
Ultimately it was a "friend" who betrayed Jesus leading him into a police ambush.
Malverde was shot and killed by the police.
Jesus's body was hung form a tree in Sinanola (due to oaths I cannot say what kind of tree) to as a frightful warning to Sinanola's poor as well as a message, their beloved hero was dead.
According to my linage; on the third morning his body was gone, but the rope had not been cut.
A peculiar white tailed Buck (deer) was seen resting under the same tree, but after that day, the deer too disappeared.
The Jesus Malverde, and Jesus Christ parallels are also not lost on me.
Jesus Malverde began to manifest his miracles first through the return of stolen items.
As his cult grew, so to did the nature of his miracles which began to include road openings, healing, protection form criminals and police (is there any difference?), favorable legal outcomes, helping men attract beautiful women, defending women from violent men, helping women escape bad relationships, locate missing people, obtaining money, and restoring sexual prowess in men.
In my linage of the Jesus Malverde cult, there exists is a whole tradition of spiritualism and sorcery.
Yaqui Deer Dancer |
My intuition tells me that the Deer Magic within the Jesus Malverde cult was likely influenced by the Deer Dance mysteries of the Yaqui tribe who are located in the northern most tip of Sinanola...auspiciously where Jesus Malverde was said to be born.
The deer or buck is a layered magical mystery. The buck isn't an overtly aggressive animal, neither is the deer or buck a predator. The buck is not out targeting another animals. But the buck will fight fiercely to defend its self and members of its herd.
The deer is an agile and nimble runner, known for their amazing leaps. The shape shifting dance to trigger Deer Magic could readily make the practitioner into a very athletic person indeed.
A deer is not easy to hunt, and is skilled at evading predators. However, being a pack animal it is understood that when one deer gets taken, spares the rest... a deep sacrificial mystery.
The deer or buck in Mexico, much like the reindeer in Germany and Scandinavia who eat Fly Agaric (Amanita Muscaria) mushroom, would eat the Peyote cactus, and thought to live between the worlds...making the deer or buck cleric or shaman.
The coyote is a dangerous mystery, which has been greatly misrepresented as well as near castrated by the "love and light" new-agers. "Native American" spirituality aside (what a ridiculous thing to say as there was hundreds upon hundreds of separate "Native American" tribes who had their own mythology) whereas the deer expresses religion and spirituality the coyote of the tribes in Mexico and what is now the very southern United States, embodies magic and sorcery.
The coyote navigates the very dangerous terrain of the nighttime desert.
Coyotes not only dwell in the dark and shadow, but exploit them to their advantage.
Mysterious forces and occult secrets are at concealed but come to life in the night...the time of fear and death. The coyote where known to sneak under tents and drag small pets or even children away never to be seen again.
During the dark of night the uneven landscape the desert is fraught with caltrops and other debris, it is very easy to trip and twist an ankle. You would be at the mercy of whatever finds you. What you could see, if you could see in the night, was distorted and unclear.
Coyote magic turns dangerous situations to your advantage. Grants the ability to see in the dark, twist and distort your shape to attack your enemies or defend yourself. To penetrate the a target's defenses, locate their vulnerable spot and disappear like a ghost. Those who dare to follow you place themselves in dire circumstance as they enter a shadow land full of perilous traps and pitfalls.
Watch where you step and who you step too |
Rattlesnake medicine is a warrior's path, paved by fire and slick with venom, coupled with the hot masculine sexual current which can be transformed into occult power for shape shifting, astral projection, and mental domination.
The rattlesnake teaches when to go full throttle and squeeze out every ounce of your power or poison, and when to dial it back keeping your reserves full. It takes precious time to build up your strength, and your occult power... so know when and when not to use it.
The rattlesnake will often give warning to potential threats, that iconic sound that sending chills through many... and namesake... the rattle.
This show courage as it gives away it location and calls attention to it.
From my linage of the Jesus Malverde cult, he would literally "saber rattle" his saber against it scabbard to give his opponents a warning and pause to think twice about attacking him.
The rattlesnake says "don't tread on me", keep your distance and you will be okay.
However if his enemies advanced against him, they do so to attack him, and Jesus Malverde was now defending himself which does imply a very real moral high ground to fight from.
The rattling of the rattlesnake is also a specific shamanic/magical practice in my linage of breathing and full body shaking to both invigorate, and revitalize the body, in addition to clearing energetic blockages.
The Deer, Coyote and Rattlesnake are all synergistic, complementing and feeding each other.
One might find themselves practicing Rattlesnake magic to prepare for a lesson of Coyote magic, that unlocks a part of Deer magic so the original practice of rattlesnake magic can be mastered.
With all this, something here must be stated;
There is a difference between "working the saint" and "working WITH the saint".
Outside of the cult, petitioners "work the saint" with Jesus Malverde. This is an important process of developing a relationship with him and asking for his divine intercession on your or other's behalf.
In the cult of Jesus Malverde, Jesus acts as a direct spiritual patron, who initiates his followers into a linage of occult spiritualism not unlike the Greek hero veneration cults of Hercules or Theseus.
It a new fad to adopt "Nacro" saints, especially by neo-pagans who have no contextual basis to do so.
I can't say neo-pagans have no cultural basis as many are of European decent and do have ancestry connection to Robin of the Hood, or Green Jack. Saying that neo-pagans no longer have contextual understanding of these willy, and often violent spirits.
Who would effectually be the "narco" saints of the European world.
St. Jude, Santisima Muerte and Jesus Malverde |
Neo-Pagans do not really have any business having "narco" saints like La Carambada, La Santisima Muerte, Maximon, etc sitting on their altars. The nature of these saints are rough, active, lean toward retribution and require dedication outside shallow words.
Saints are not "aspects" or "psychological constructs" which keep neo-pagans disconnected from authentic spiritual progression, and these particular "narco" saints do not fit well into the new-age peace cult that is neo-paganism anyways... so it works out.
Approaching Jesus Malverde should only be done by someone who feels called to him and can appreciate his links to both criminality and anti-authoritarianism, because he is NOT going to change.
Jesus Malverde can open the door to Deer, Coyote, and Rattlesnake Magic to those how show him dedication.
To forge a relationship with him, one must practice mediumship, and spiritual communication for reasons of elevation. The more spiritual a life one develops the more avenues Jesus will open up and the deeper he will bring you into his mysteries.
Malverde is a powerful spiritual/magical mystery but he also promotes physical strength and agility.
Learning fencing/sword play (or any martial art), dance, and marksmanship naturally bring one closer to Jesus Malverde as will practicing meditation and regular prayer.
If you have a heroic spirit, desire to fight for the downtrodden and stand against corrupt authority maybe Jesus Malverde is a saint you ought to explore a relationship with.
Not all saints are suited for all people. As a spiritual person seeking further development you must strive to find those saints which harmonize, not disrupt, your personal energetic field.
Jesus Malverde should fit comfortably in your life, if you have to force it... than at present, he is not a good fit. Maybe that will one day change, and maybe it will not.
Avoid trends like the plague, as fads are set by society, and a society as SICK as ours is NOT to be trusted.
-Papa Crocodile.