Sunday, August 30, 2015


Nsala Malecun-Malecun Nsala Zarabanda
"Where iron seduces steel, or metal finds rapture with mettle, I see him there. The train of destiny rolls on forever. His is an unstoppable locomotion, cheered ever onward by the crowing of the cock, and the echo of baying hounds. His whistle pierces the night's veil of silence, its shrill blast chases away the lingering ghosts haunting the dark, and shatters my illusions of doubt. He rumbles across creation with impunity over the backs of the wicked with a champion's roar. The tracks are open he bellows. The way is made clear. The machete leads the way and defends all who follow. He is Zarabanda!"

-Papa Crocodile

Monday, August 24, 2015

Sulfurous Sorcery and Healing,Minor Musings of Lucifuge Rofocale, and Luciferian Break Down.

True understanding the Goetic magickal structure is rare in the extreme. Grimories are written to conceal, NOT reveal, the methods of Medieval (in truth much older) European Magicians and the magickal orders they occupied.

Anyone taking a Grimorie at face value ( be it the Grimorium Verum, The Book of Oberon, The Grand Grimorie/Red Dragon, the Black Raven/Book of Faust, even the Keys of Solomon/Ars Goetia) have instantly failed the "idiot" test.

True occult secrets are NEVER made public, and NEVER will be.

The Grimorie was a genius information/disinformation dissemination apparatus. For those INITIATED the information is readily available. For those who where not initiated... they read the Grimorie at face value and:

 1. Waste their time and yielded no results.


 2. In the case of the Grand Grimorie/Red Dragon, find themselves beguiled and thrust into possibly fatal outcomes.

I will release some DESPERATELY needed information to remedy the asinine and ridiculous falsehoods, concerning the wholly fabricated claims of nonsensical meth headed "living gods", and pseudo-intellectual/occultist high(?) minded scribblers of many criminally over priced leather bound books.

Lucifuge Rofocale is the full embodiment of  the dangers associated with"fool's gold". There is NO public information on how to approach him safely.
Lucifuge Rofocale

Those of us who know what the authentic workings with Lucifuge Rofocale entail would be pleading guilty to activities which carry the possibility of the death penalty or (like in my case) would NEVER give information to help individuals commit such atrocities.

Lucifuge Rofocale could give a flying fuck less about your intent, any delusional bargain you offer, or pact you mistakenly think you have entered into.

If you woefully happen to successfully summon him as laid out by the Grand Grimoire you are signing yourself away.

YOU are the prize, a sacrificial lamb to the spirit Lucifuge Rofocale.

Again, Lucifuge Rofocale could give a flying fuck less if you did not know you where being duped.

A spider doesn't care that the fly did not see its web.

He or she who draws up a tricky "devil in the details" contract doesn't not care one fucking iota if you did not obtain skilled legal council to read it over before you signed it.

It matters not.

Its not that I completely dismiss the lunacy behind a meth mouthed crack head's tale of successfully evoking Lucifuge Rofocale nor am I dismissing the loopy philosophical drivel spewed out by pasty bohemians rejects in respect to Lucifuge Rofocale, however what I am saying is should they be under Lucifuge Rofocale's directives I will avoid them with more dire urgency than I would a homicidal plague carrying syphilic super mutant.  

Summoning the Goetic daemons carries as much if not in some cases MORE dangers than non-initiates pestering Petwo loa, or Exus and Pombagiras into paying attention to them.

Goetic daemons are HOT spirits. In many cases they are the fiery point of origin for African Diaspora entities of the New World.

The correct formulation of the 72, 63, 54, 45, 36, 27, 18, 9 and 3 Goetic daemons configurations of each principle Grimorie when correctly assembled makes a Tetrahedron, a fire bearing shape influencing the airy astral world.
Chemistry IS alchemy, Science is Magic! 

I would ask that you treat the above and following information respectfully. 

If you are a member of the Golden Dawn or O.T.O, a modern Hermetic or part of Thelema this is leveled at you directly- I inherited authentic Goetic magic and Grimorie traditions. Nothing I have said or will say is known or understood by your shitty linage. 

If you use my information give credit back to this blog and my tradition and acknowledge where it came from because it sure as hell did not come from you, it is NOT available in any book, nor is it a part of the above mentions traditions(???).

Kindly re-direct your attention to the numeric sequences, 72, 63, 54, 45, 36, 27,18, 9 and 3.

These all express the number "9", which is the numeric frequency emitting from Yesod, the planetary sphere of Luna/Moon, the astral realm,  or the 9th sephiroth.

The astral realm is elemental air (Mercury-Hod is water, Venus-Netzach is fire and Earth-Malkuth is earth).

This is the sphere where the much fertted over and debated Lucifer "Prince of the Power of the Air", resides and rules over all the Goetic daemons who dwell ONLY in the astral realm (in truth all the planetary spheres have "a" Lucifer presiding over them) granting all who approach this Lucifer correctly the "power of the air" which is both a specific boon of supernatural powers and the license to command his airy legion.

Because the numerical configuration of "9" relating numbers constructs a Tetrahedron, the air of the astral realm now becomes hot or infernal and the Goetic daemons take on those heated qualities- blistering, scorching, a slow boil, or a warm breeze.

The rebellious European Lucifer shares much in common with the wildfire Eshu, or Nkuyu (Lucero) of the African magickal  religious traditions.

All are falling stars, comets, or asteroids who fell (or where thrown) from the heavens to smash into the earth. Trailing behind them was billions of tiny defiant sparks which became the multitudes of "personal" Luceros, Eshus, and yes even Lucifers who are the caminos or roads back to the main source from which they spawned.

Trajectory of the Falling Star
In my tradition of Goetic Magic, we are shameless unafraid of Christianity and the mental ill demiurge of Abraham (YHVH-Jehovah). We call the lighting bolt path on the tree of life what it REALLY is; the trajectory of the falling star, which shows that Lucifer touched each planetary sphere (leaving behind a residing a planetary Lucifer) and his volcanic rebel heart came to rest as the molten core of the Earth it's self.

The Goetic damons are spirits of combustible air set alight by his blazing heart.

They are spirits of sulfur, who's heat can warm or char with equal efficiency.

It is of vital importance that a true worker of Goetic magic understand his or her own place among the these daemons.

The astral realm is rife with dangers.

Any adherent of magical practice will inevitably find themselves infected with astral parasites- vampiric larvae, lemures, maggots, etc.

Being in proximity to the fervid influence of a Goetic daemon, acts as burning sulfur to these parasitic spiritual ticks. Their very nature is the cleansing power of fire; purifying a space like a Bunsen burner, sizzling off the filth and scummy film from your aura.

However, the Goetic Daemons DO NOT regulate their heat.

As a responsible adult you must know your limits.
Cleansing fire or consuming fire?

That same fire which just cleansed your energy field can very suddenly engulf and consume you.

That roasting fire which ate away the spiritual maggots eating you, can just as easily become a generative force which supports the birth of more vampire maggots.

The Goetic Magical Tradition is for the mature and responsible ONLY and you enter into the the infernal at your OWN RISK as you are quite literally handling many types of fire in your spiritual and magical journey with the Goetic daemons.

The Goetic tradition has been made mockery by the Golden Dawn and O.T.O. Goetic daemons are not spirit guides, they do not have your best interest at heart, and they are not especially forgiving.

Anyone making WILD claims about how much money, power or immortality that can be gained from evoking Goetic daemons are frauds, or lairs at best, or at worst under the direct influence of a particularly malevolent Goetic daemon who is forcing them collect other equally foolish souls to own and or feed from.

A Goetic magic can indeed gain handsome wealth, power and longevity through their spiritual alignment to the Daemons of the astral, however this is done through measured and calculated steps.

If you still stand resolute in your willingness to know this fierce path,  I urge caution and I implore you to tread carefully as the path you would choose to walk is razor thin.

However as a long time traveler of the Goetic landscape... I can honestly say it is the most brutally beautiful spiritual wilderness European sorcery as to offer.

-Papa Crocodile

Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Goetic Daemon Clauneck: The price of merit.

All things have merit or a weight of measure that a value placement can be assigned and once a value has been discerned anything can be made a commodity for trade. Even we people are price assessments to each other, and should esoteric lore be correct, we find our value actively assessed by non-physical entities also.

This is how we start investigating the principalities of the spirit Clauneck”, a prominent spirit of the Grimorium Verum, and member of the Goetic spirits proper.

Dominant to magical themes of Europe’s dark-ages was estimating the worth of a soul, and haggling what could be gained in respect of wealth or supernatural powers in selling it to an agent of, or the “Man Downstairs” (the Devil) directly.
The Sigil of the Goetic Daemon Clauneck

The Grimorium Verum says this about Clauneck , “has power over, goods, money, and finances”, “can bestow great wealth”, and finally, “he is much loved by Lucifer”. The last entry is auspicious knowing that Europe’s magical practices saw the Devil, attributed to being Lucifer, as a spiritual pawnbroker.

A quick aside; Lucifer is not a name but a title, and contrary to common erroneous belief, there are thousands of entities holding that title not just one.

Any Lucifer is an intercession entity, and cardinal to the fixed position solar mysteries (astrological Leo) at the center of the crossroads, universal or otherwise. In the earliest Kaballa based Christian cults was the Jesus-Lucifer solar dichotomies both being sons (suns) of God and equally representing, “the light, the truth and the way”.

Lucifer opens or closes the doors of destiny, and blocks or unblocks the roads of progress.

The many European Lucifers have shaped the Exu legion of the Kimbanda cult of Brazil and Lucifer’s counter parts are the many caminos (roads) pertaining to Ellegwas, Eshus, and Luceros of African Diaspora religions.

Clauneck much loved by Lucifer” is an agent thereof, and so entrusted with accessing astral bank vault. Clauneck is who a myriad of modern day Hermetic occultists demand or beg money from, and while rightly so this is where their understanding of Clauneck’s vast dominion begins and ends.

Principle to the mysteries of Clauneck is decreeing of value.

In the Grimorium Verum Clauneck is first or “numero uno” in the ordering of the eighteen servitor spirits.

This is not happenstance.

Cauneck’s numbering demonstrates his supremacy within the legion’s hierarchy, and denotes the respect held for him by Lucifer. However even more importantly the number one is the first indication of value by which all value is essentially an addition or subtraction of 1 or a sum totals of 1s.

It is through Clauneck that the tradition contained within the Grimorium Verum can go from “0” or un-manifested to “1” meaning manifested, or a no-thing to a some-thing.

A brief dissection of Clauneck’s sigil helps glean insight into his nature.

The sigil of Clauneck is an amalgamation of the brain, eye, and heart with a hint of the male phallus (the function is the same in respect to female genitalia).

The brain, eye, heart and phallus are four weighing scales by which merit is assessed.

1. The brain with knowledge and experience.

2. The eye deciphering ascetic and contour.

3. The heart through emotional reactions.

4. The phallus by way of sexual charge or interest.

While these scales are separate, they do not operate independent, and full evaluation is the result of tallying all the final registers together.

Clauneck’s sigil illustrates how we weigh the merit of whom and what we interact with. This illumination is not meant to initiate exercises in going against our natures, nor trying to deny what we have always done. Making assessments are paramount to our wellbeing and survival. Rather we should use Clauneck’s sigil to make these value judgments with amplified clarity through our source of new found insight.

As a spirit of acquisition, commerce, and wealth, Clauneck is “free market” in the most extreme sense. Just like the “market” Clauneck has no moral objections, and will offer advice on trafficking humans as dispassionately as he would if queried on the selling of cupcakes. Clauneck cares nothing for the product it’s self, but instead its worth.

As off-putting as this seems it terms of unnerving frankness and uncorrupted honesty, Clauneck is priceless in his unbiased counsel.

All initiates of the Goetic tradition I inherited must willingly stand on Clauneck’s “auction block”.

What transpires is a mentally arduous and physically excruciating ritual in which Clauneck
evaluates the potential of the subject. A rough but fair rendering is issued and the seeker is left to consider his or her options. Those truly desiring strength will heed the verdict and commit themselves to the labors handed down to remedy the discovered short comings. Those who ignore Clauneck’s ruling possibly find themselves bought and sold, but I can say nothing more about this.

Undoubtedly the Goetic tradition I practice demands the forging of a resolute and uncompromisingly stiff upper lip.

Luckily you do not have to occupy the rank and file of my Goetic tradition to benefit from consulting Clauneck. You will however need to prepare yourself for the brazen unsweetened truth Clauneck will spoon feed you when asked for his adjudication.

Clauneck pulls no punches in detailing what it is about you, or what is in your life which either devalues, or increases your own personal merit.

The mystic or magician would gain much by taking advantage of Clauneck’s unflinching authenticity, and petition Clauneck to make a full assessment of their own strengths and weaknesses.

There is no other Goetic spirit who can tell you with such exactitude what you ought to either ditch or apply ample spit and polish in order to better sell yourself to potential employers, friends or lovers than Clauneck.

In my spiritual temple Clauneck is conjured with regularity so that all members can best promote their own health, wealth and wellbeing. Clauneck sees that this temple’s merit supports and is supported by an abundance of successful workings and people who consistently increase the value of this ever growing community.