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The Temple's Botanica! More coming soon! |
The Temple of the Machete who wins all Battles thanks the Court of the Physicians who blessed us with the following transmission. In 2020 the Temple of the Machete who wins all Battles, with the aid of the Commission of the Physicians, embark on an ever continuing, never-ending journey of soul retrieval and healing of soul fracture for its members, both individually and collectively.
For the better part of 2019, I have been discreetly speaking and working with individuals all over the political, scientific, and metaphysical spectrums. Among all three, several general consensuses have been formed.
- We are not alone in the universe, and we are ten years out to KNOWING that, not just understanding it. The implications and gravitas of what is coming will forever change humanity in the most fundamental ways and shake the majority of belief systems to their very core. Even those who think they are ready are nowhere near prepared. We as a species are a decade away from an integration that will either define us as humans/earthlings or sweep us away like we never existed.
- We are about to have a full realization that we are not alone from a planetary perspective nor a dimensional one. The habitations of not only the seen but the unseen, all have a tangible effect, and we will no longer be shielded from either.
- The heralds of this grand precession to Earth’s revealed place among the cosmos are primarily vibrational. They are attempts by many, many entities to manipulate and formulate for themselves more accommodating Earth and compliant earthlings. Through the projection of harmonic and resonant tones, they mean to create mental and spiritual cracks and fragmentations as well as an unraveling of the DNA. Piggybacked on to these frequencies are highly sophisticated programs that will embed themselves into the fractures and unraveled DNA. These will start executing re-coding protocols that will work with but ultimately against the human organism, altering it into a divergent species.
- Through re-anchoring and re-aligning ourselves with the nature and harmonics of this Earth, re-learning to live on and in this planet, re-focusing our attention back to earth customs, and reconnecting to our ancestral lineages, we can survive this soft pre-emptive attack.
In my consultations with the Seven Chief Loa and the 21 Commissions of Spirits, the Court of the Physicians stepped forward. With the direct instruction of all the Seven Chief Loa, the Physician spirits have developed a method to cure this affliction. They call it the Four necessary components for Soul Restoration.
The Four necessary components for Soul Restoration.
Often people experience events or endure conditions that shut or slow down their spiritual development and progression. The more you understand these conditions, as well as the blockages they caused, the quicker you can integrate those fragmented parts and move forward towards your soul's great work. Generally, there are two types of soul fracture.
- Multi-Generational.
- Trauma.
Both types are uniquely damaging to your spiritual matrix, as well as your mental, emotional, and physical bodies. Healing assisted by spiritualist methodologies can prove exceedingly useful and mix well together.
One's heritage plays a significant role in the health of his or her spiritual progress and matrix. There can be issues with anger, betrayal, shame, abandonment, or even addiction within a person's ancestral lineage. If left unresolved, these can influence a person into behaviors and/or cause them to live out the negative choices or emotions of their ancestors. A person might also choose to ignore their ancestral roots, creating separation, and eventual fragmentation of their soul.
To experience wholeness, one must aim to correct dysfunctions within their ancestor line. By offering yourself and ancestors the opportunity to both heal and reconnect, you solve multi-generational problems.
The damage caused by traumatic experiences can significantly hinder and even halt one's spiritual growth. By expanding awareness beyond the event and activating our dreaming capabilities, you gain access to spiritual teachers, healers, and guides. When sufficient trauma occurs, our souls can fracture and shard. Piece of ourselves can get lost and or left behind in a particular moment or moments in time.
We have long known that time is not linear. Only our perception of it is. When parts of our soul become broken and imbedded into points of time, we establish a link to that experience. We continue feeling it, seeing it, and being affected by it because we are still actively a part of it. The concept of the past is an illusion. To truly make the past our history, we must bravely recapitulate, recollect, and restore the shattered pieces of our souls. We do this by enlisting the aid of dreams as well as personal spiritual guides, teachers, and healers.
The Four necessary components for Soul Restoration.
- Nature is humanity's original and primary temple.
- Spiritual Guides.
- Personal Power and its Source.
- Healing across time and space.
Nature is humanity's original and primary temple.
Do you feel guided by your dreams and intuition? Do you feel an affinity or even energy exchange between yourselves and natural objects or phenomena, such as rocks, rivers, wind, or trees? Do you share a particular relationship with plants and animals? Are you called to spend more time in raw or sparsely populated environments? Do you know, or at least feel that you know, the world is alive and all humans are part of it? If the answer is yes to most or all of the above, then the Earth is likely your primary spiritual temple. Within it, you shall find profound healing and restoration.
Earth-based religions such as Voudou, Creole/Indio Spiritism, Palo Mayombe, and Osayin connect, or instead reconnect, you to the tools and guides you need to achieve full soul retrieval.
Spiritual Guides.
For as useful spirit guides can be, they can be equally problematic. Spirit guides must be vetted and validated before their advice should be considered. It is common for a spirit, well-meaning or not, to offer sub-par or disastrous guidance. Neither is it uncommon for someone to have a false or delusional attachment to a spirit who is not their spirit guide. Some spirits are obsessive and relentlessly hound or vie for the person's attention. Even if their intentions are good, and seldom is that the case, they are not worthy of being a spirit guide.
Aligning with legitimate spiritual guides is essential not just to soul recovery but lasting spiritual development and progress. Spiritism has effective protocols in both discovering and deciphering, which is and which is not a personal spirit guide.
Personal Power and its Source.
Power is how we act and project upon the world around us. The more fragmented and dispersed our soul, the less focused our strength is. When one is suffering from Multi-Generational issues and or trauma, resulting in soul fracture, they experience a loss of personal power. They feel as if nothing they do seems to matter.
Having access to personal healers, teachers, and guides will allow an individual to discover their power source and how to lay the foundation to contain and build even more. As you collect and call back the fragments of your soul in restoration, you gain more and more personal power. All your mental, emotional, and physical bodies knit together stronger upon your spiritual matrix.
The greater your power, the more self-control you can apply to all circumstances you find yourself. The stronger one is, the less slights, offenses, or tribulations will affect them. The more personal power you retain, the higher the degree of strength you can direct towards your great work. Personal teachers, healers, and guides will help you locate and fix holes or leaks in your power. Also, they advise you on how to increase your energy and how best to use it.
Healing across time and space.
As briefly stated above, we have long understood that time is not linear. Only our perception of it is. To engage is full-spectrum healing and soul restoration, it is vital to know you are capable of moving not only backward but forwards in time. It is possible that you can heal both your younger and older selves from where you are right now, as well as collect your scattered soul fragments across inner and outer dimensions.
Through the intercession of personal guides, healers, and teachers, an individual can travel relatively freely and safely through time and space. We can call for doors to be opened, and paths made accessible, as well as ask for insights on navigating the labyrinthine universal mind while maintaining constant orientation.
We lanch this great work in January 2020.
Papa Machete que gana todas las batallas
The Machete leads the way and defends all who follow.
Papa Machete que ganas todas las Batalas is a world-renown circus trained Strongman, Occultist, Martial Artist, Remote-Viewer, Psychic Investigator, researcher, Voudou and Palo Mayombe Priest, author, activist, and adventurer. Spiritual Father of the Temple of the Machete Who wins all Battles, and offers services through his Online Shop. Papa Machete welcomes all people, of any race, gender, orientation, or ability. His only conditions are that you love God, love humanity, and are willing to stand for what is truly right, not just what is popular
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